Solar Information


Solar Information

Salem Electric offers an incentive for qualifying solar systems that are net metered, have a nameplate capacity of 25kW or less, and comply with SE’s Net Metering Policy. If solar is the right fit for your home, we're here to help.

Considering Solar

Considering Solar

When considering solar, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Be cautious of claims that “you’ll never have to pay an electric bill again” and “if you buy solar panels, you will have power during an outage.” This may sound enticing, but you'll still be charged each month for the basic charge and any applicable taxes, and unless you install an expensive battery storage system you won't have power during an outage. 
  • Solar contractor proposals show potential savings by comparing solar costs versus average utility costs. These comparisons are often not reflective of the cost of power from Salem Electric. To compare what it would be with Salem Electric rates, give us a call at 503-362-3601
  • Research companies to determine if they are reputable. Can you find reviews and testimonials online, in places other than the company’s website? Check their Better Business Bureau rating. 
  • Avoid being taken advantage of. While there are many honest and reputable solar companies, the industry has been flooded with scams and unscrupulous sales tactics touting unrealistic returns and inflated savings. 
  • Avoid high pressure sales tactics and don't sign any documents from a door-to-door salesperson. Take your time to evaluate proposals thoroughly; there's no need to rush into a contract with potential cancellation fees.
  • No solar contractor works directly with or for Salem Electric. If they claim to, please call 503-362-3601 or email us at
Important Calculations

Important Calculations

  • Does your home have good solar exposure? About 250 square feet of un-shaded roof space facing south, southeast, or southwest is a great start, though not always required. 
  • How much electricity do you use in a year? Keep in mind that energy use can vary dramatically from winter to summer. Access your usage history with SmartHub, review your Salem Electric bills, contact us at, or give us a call at 503-362-3601
  • What are your financial goals? Do you have a fixed budget? Are you considering financing options, or do you have a certain payback period in mind? 
  • Use independent third-party solar calculators such as the Energy Trust of Oregon’s WattPlan, PV Watts or Google Project Sunroof to estimate the amount of solar energy you can anticipate producing at your home. 
  • Only when paired with a home battery storage system, can a solar system provide you with a temporary backup source of power in the event of a power outage.
  • There may be other more cost-effective ways to lower your electric bill, including energy efficiency measures. Explore Salem Electric's residential energy efficiency programs

Requirements for Connecting to Salem Electric

  • Members must obtain at least two bids from separate contractors on the State of Oregon approved contractor's list.
  • Solar systems that are net metered must have a nameplate capacity of 25kW or less, and comply with SE’s Net Metering Policy.
  • The member and Salem Electric must sign Salem Electric's Net Metering Agreement before a solar system can be connected. 
  • Systems must meet Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) requirements including being UL listed and rated for connection to Salem Electric’s system. Installers must be ODOE-certified. 
  • Systems must be reviewed and approved by Salem Electric before installation.

Solar Installation Diagram



Salem Electric offers an incentive for qualifying solar systems that are net metered, have a nameplate capacity of 25kW or less, and comply with SE’s Net Metering Policy

  • Residential and general service members receive a $300 incentive per kW installed
  • Incentives cannot exceed 50% of the total project and depend on the availability of funds
  • The maximum incentive is $1,500

Some solar system installations may be eligible for federal tax credits and state rebates, in addition to incentives provided by Salem Electric. For tax credit questions, please consult a licensed tax professional. 

Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics 

State of Oregon Solar Programs

How Net Metering Works

How Net Metering Works

The power you use is offset by the power you generate. You are only charged for the difference or the “net.” If you generate more power than you use in each month, your electric bill will have no kilowatt hour charges, and you will only be billed for the basic charge and any applicable taxes.

Net metered solar systems have a monthly true-up. Any overgeneration will be purchased back at the current avoided cost rate (subject to annual rate review/change). This will be applied to your bill in the form of a credit. 

Get Started

Get Started

Step 1:
Contact Salem Electric and complete the Solar Connection Inquiry form to let us know you’re interested in solar. We can answer your questions and provide the information you need to proceed.

Solar installations cannot be connected to Salem Electric's power grid unless approved by Salem Electric before installation.

Step Two: 
Obtain bids from at least two contractors on the State of Oregon approved contractor list. Contractors on this list must meet the Oregon Department of Energy eligibility requirements. Bids cannot exceed six months from the application submittal date. Bids must be requested and provided by the member* and include the following:

  • kW size, cost, and proposed percentage of offset
  • Financing terms, including separate itemization for add-ins:
    • Roof tear-off and replacement (cost of roof repairs should not be included in calculating the tax credit)
    • Electrical panel upgrades

*Contractors who solicit bids from other providers, on behalf of members, will be excluded from installing systems within our service territory.

Step Three: 
The selected contractor will be notified to submit the following plan documents for review and approval before permits are filed or installation scheduled. 

  • Cut sheets for inverter/panels
  • Electrical drawing
  • Panel placement
  • Contract that is signed with cost, kW size, and itemization of add-ins

Our engineering team must review and approve the project prior to installation. Failure to do so could prohibit interconnection in addition to disqualification from receiving an incentive, if applicable. 

Step Four: 
Contractor installs system and notifies Salem Electric when installation is complete. Contractors must follow Solar Installation Diagram specifications.

Step Five: 
After installation of the system and contractor submittal of all required documentation, including passing of the appropriate City or County inspection, Salem Electric will schedule a site visit to inspect the system. If approved, the member must sign the Net Metering Agreement.

Salem Electric will install a new meter and the system may be energized. 
The Net Metering Agreement will be executed, and incentive disbursed to the designated member or contractor.

Commercial Solar Systems

Commercial Solar Systems

Commercial installations greater than 25 kW are subject to our Small-Generator Power Purchase Agreement and are not net metered. Projects larger than 200 kW require additional review and approval from the Bonneville Power Administration. Please contact our office for more information.